
Mining Cryptocurrency on your Phone with Pi Network App

Bitcoin has recently been a big talk in finance news and every social media platform. Personally I don’t hold any Bitcoin and at this price point I probably never will. But this led me to wonder whether or not there are other cryptocurrency that I can still mine. I don’t have a custom build cryptocurrency…

No Views for the First 2 YouTube Videos

I’ve been posting 1 video per week to my YouTube cash cow channel. As of right now I basically have no views since the only 1 view I have is my own. From here on I’ll try to use other FREE YouTube support software and try out social media to see if using those platforms…

What is a YouTube Cash Cow Channel?

In order to understand this topic we have to first understand the term “cash cow”. From Investopedia, “a cash cow is a business or unit that, once it has been paid for, will produce steady cash flow over its lifespan.” When applying this to YouTube Channels, a Cash Cow Channel is simply a channel which…

Why the FIRE Movement Only Works for High Income Earners

Have you heard of the FIRE Movement? In case you haven’t, it stands for Financial Independence Retire Early. When I heard about it in college I immediately wanted to do it. The idea was simple: earn as much as you can and save as much as you can so that you can retire early. Right…

What is the Power of Compound Interest?

Have you ever heard of a 401K or Individual Retirement Account (IRA)? These are accounts that you should know about early on in your career if you want to be financially prepared for retirement. In my previous article I talked about the importance of time in relations to life. In this article I wanted to…

Why Time is your Most Valuable Asset

Do you ever wish you could have more hours in a day? Whether it’s you or me, time is the one thing that waits for no one. We all get the same 24 hours every day. What we do with those 24 hours is completely up to us. When I was younger, I wasn’t aware…

Why your Greatest Wealth is Health

What is your definition of wealth? Is it the number in your bank account? Or maybe it’s the amount of luxury items you own? The idea of wealth being something that is not money and not tangible was a crazy idea to me. When I was growing up, I became aware of the importance of…

How to Determine Needs vs Wants

Have you ever been worried about finances? I have ever since I was young. Even when I was little I was hesitant about asking my parent for money. My dad was a fast food cook and my mom was a waiter so money was tight and I did not want to be a burden to…

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