Why Time is your Most Valuable Asset

Do you ever wish you could have more hours in a day? Whether it’s you or me, time is the one thing that waits for no one. We all get the same 24 hours every day. What we do with those 24 hours is completely up to us.

When I was younger, I wasn’t aware of time and how important it is in life. Sure I wished I’d have more time to study and sometimes wished that time would freeze so that I don’t have to take my exam the next day. However, it wasn’t until I took a step back and viewed the timeline of my life (and everyone’s life) that I understood time is priceless. No one is getting more of it and everyone is running low on it.

If you work a regular 8-5pm day job then that’s 9 hours of your 24 hour day. The recommended hours of sleep for adults is 7-9 hours. But lets be honest, most of us are only getting about 7 hours of sleep on a weekday. 24 hours per day , minus 9 hours for work, and minus 7 hours for sleep leaves you with about 8 hours per day to yourself. That is a third of your day. What you do with that time matters especially because you won’t be getting it back. Make sure you spend that time doing stuff that matters to you.

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